Trusted by contractors nationwide to manage their own apprenticeships


How Apprentix solves all your apprenticeship program challenges

Apprentix Solutions

9+ months registration delays

It takes over 9 months to register an apprenticeship program on your own—time you don’t have if you’re bidding on projects today. Delays can put your contracts, tax credits, and growth opportunities at risk.

Apprentix Solutions

Get registered in 30 days

It takes over 9 months to register an apprenticeship program on your own—time you don’t have if you’re bidding on projects today. Delays can put your contracts, tax credits, and growth opportunities at risk.


Added compliance risk

Running your own apprenticeship program means taking on all the risks and responsibilities of a Program Sponsor. 
From audits to ongoing compliance, even minor errors can lead to penalties, lawsuits, or disqualification from bids.

Apprentix Solutions

Dedicated compliance manager

As your Program Sponsor, Apprentix handles all compliance responsibilities; from audits to state and federal filings. We ensure your program stays compliant so you can focus on your projects without worrying about penalties.


Tracking and recordkeeping
for 7 years

Managing apprentices is more than just training—it means tracking progress, monitoring hours, and keeping detailed records for seven years. Failure to comply can lead to fines and legal risks.

Apprentix Solutions

Tech platform for tracking and compliance

Apprentix takes care of tracking your apprentices’ progress and managing all record-keeping for up to 7 years. Our platform ensures your records are up-to-date and ready for any audits, reducing your administrative burden.

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Winning bids without hassle

“We struggled to manage our apprenticeship program on our own, but Apprentix took over the compliance, tracking, and registration—we are able to win bids without any hassle.”

Joel G.
General Contractor in Texas
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Apprentix is a platform for all contractors to start and run apprenticeships, build phenomenal talent, and stay compliant with the IRA.

Founded in 2022 by a business owner running apprenticeships, we’ve set up 100s of businesses across the U.S. to run darn-near effortless apprenticeships. We’ve accomplished this through our proprietary Technology Platform and  Fractional Services model.

All 50
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Starts at $13k/yr for your first 20 apprentices

How Fractional Sponsor Works

Step 1:
Join Our Next Cohort of 5 Companies

We accept 5 companies each month, starting on the 1st business day. Spots are limited due to the significant upfront work required.

Step 2:
Kickoff & Compliance Review

We start with a full audit of your current training and compliance needs.

Step 3:
30-Day Registration or Compliance Setup

If you don’t yet have a program, we’ll get it registered in 30 days. If you do, we’ll ensure full compliance.

Step 4:

We handle monthly reports, audits, and compliance updates while you track your apprentices through our platform.

Get Started!

Why Apprentix?

Full-service sponsor compliance management

You no longer need to worry about compliance risk—we handle everything from paperwork to audits.

DoL certified apprenticeships in 
50 states

Register and launch your program in any state using our Nationally Certified Apprenticeship Standards.

Run apprenticeships in minutes with smart technology

We will add your apprenticeships 
to our platform and train you and your team. Utilize this to track apprentice progress and to meet the 7-year recordkeeping requirement.

Our 5 occupations 
will cover your 15% 
labor requirement.

1. Craft Laborer

2. Heavy Equipment Operator

3. Electrician

4. Surveyor

5. Wind Turbine Technician

Expert support dedicated to 
your account

Our team of compliance experts is here to guide you through the complexities of managing an apprenticeship program.

Founded by the guy 
who literally wrote 
the book

Our founder literally wrote the 
book on apprenticeships. He’s taken all he knows from running his own apprenticeship programs and helping hundreds of businesses across the nation, and wrote it 
into this book.

Get Started!

Frequently asked questions.

Do I need Apprentix if I already have certified payroll?
Yes! Certified payroll tracks the IRA requirements, not the DoL requirements. Certified payroll will track prevailing wage, the 15% labor participation rate required by apprentices, and the ratio of journeyworkers to apprentices each day. Apprentix doesn’t track any of those things since the focus on Apprentix is to track the DoL’s requirements.
What’s the difference between IRA compliance and Registered Apprenticeship compliance?
The IRA’s apprenticeship requirements trigger when you have 4 or more laborers or mechanics, of any occupation, for any amount of time. For example, if you have 2 people working for 2 weeks and 2 new people working the following two weeks, that’s still 4 people, no matter how long they worked or if they are doing the same or different jobs.Once you’ve had 4 people, you must have 1 apprentice. That triggers the need for a Registered Apprenticeship Program. You must then meet the labor requirement where 15% of your labor hours are performed by apprentices and you must maintain the apprentice to journeyman ratio for that occupation. Companies typically use certified payroll to report IRA compliance to meet these requirements.A Registered Apprenticeship Program has its own set of requirements which includes adherence to standards, monthly compliance reporting, passing audits, and record keeping requirements. This set of compliance requirements is unique and separate from the IRA but falling out of compliance on the Registered Apprenticeship Program means you are out of IRA compliance.
What are the duties of an apprenticeship program sponsor?
We’ve developed a full list of Sponsor duties here.
How long does it take for a state to register an apprenticeship program?
It takes 9+ months on average for a state to register a new apprenticeship program on your own. You can view data that’s been collected to show you the difference in timelines by OA and SAA states.
How does Apprentix help us stay IRA compliant and secure tax credits?
The key to staying IRA compliant with a registered apprenticeship program, is to make sure you’re meeting the DoL’s requirements and passing audits. Apprentix helps you do this whether you’re managing compliance on your own or asking us to manage it for you.
Does Apprentix train my apprentices?
No, Apprentix is not a training provider so you will need to handle classroom and on-the-job training. If you are using our Fractional Sponsor service, we will design the classroom curriculum for you and we’ll utilize as much as you can deliver in-house with your existing training process. Same with the on-the-job training, we’ll understand how you work and then we’ll align that with our program standards. If you have any training gaps and need to fill them, we’ll identify training providers for you and you’ll contract them directly.
Where does the curriculum come from?
You are responsible for the classroom curriculum so you’ll either deliver the training using in-house resources or through a 3rd party, or a combination of both.
What options can we provide our subs?
If you use subs who will trigger the IRA’s apprenticeship requirement, you can either put them under your program with Apprentix’s Fractional Sponsor and their apprentice count will count towards your total apprentices and you can put them onto your tech platform for tracking purposes. Alternatively, you can tell subs that they need to use Apprentix on their own and make a direct relationship.

Ready to secure your spot?

We work with only 5 companies per month.
Don’t miss your chance to secure compliance and win more bids.
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